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Blood & Bone    Profile of Blue Huxley

Blue Huxley
Basic Information
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Offline Created 06-17-2021
5 Posts 1 Threads
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In-Depth Information
  • Parents     Anthony & Leia
  • Siblings     Anders (brother) & Ember (sister)
  • Birthday     December 25, 1992
  • Sexuality     Homosexual
  • Relationship status     Single
  • Height     5'10
  • Dominant hand     Left handed
  • Hair     Dark brown
  • Eyes     Hazel
  • Build     Lean
  • Mental Health     Kleptomaniac
  • Health     Speech disorder (stutter)
Pre-transition..Blue was a guy that contended with the everyday trials of a speech impediment, a stutter to put it in a more simple term. Actually it's still something he's self-conscious over but he tends to deal with it differently from when he was a kid. In these times he can go from very talkative to silent for long stretches of time. That's due in part to two reasons. Either he doesn't feel like stuttering through his words or the burden of being self-conscious rears its ugly head. He was teased often as a kid and even by adults, he was thought to be the "slow" kid. Which wasn't true at all. He wasn't a genius but he wasn't stupid either. Plus the way you speak doesn't often relate to how smart you are.

He could be quite the sweetheart though. He loves companionship. That's not saying he can never be alone but doesn't like it and prefers to be in the company of at least one person. Along with that, Blue is very big on physical contact. He's liable to reach out to you with anything from a fleeting touch against the sleeve of your shirt to a full on hug and in that hug you can feel how deeply he cares. Sometimes this can border on testing boundaries. Sometimes Blue can overlook boundaries. Example being touching someone that might be romantically involved with someone else in a way that might look like flirting to an onlooker. He doesn't mean anything by it, it's just sometimes he can't help it.

He can get himself into quite a bit of trouble because he is a kleptomaniac. Kleptomaniac is an impulse control disorder that results in the urge to steal. it's not about his being malicious or mean to the people he's stolen from. It's just an urge he can't just ignore. He'll take any small shiny object that ain't nailed down. Jewelry, watches, pens and anything with a shine to it isn't safe. Afterwards he does feel some guilt but it won't do anything for the next time he gets the strong urge again. It can be treated with therapy or medications (antidepressants) but it isn't curable. Honestly with the way his life is now, he doesn't have access to either one.

Post transitation.. post his mutation into a level V vampire, the struggle is real. He doesn't like not being himself though one can argue that his predator side is him now as well. The very strong urge to hunt and feed is one he's still grappling with. Blue gets angry with himself after every feed. He's never been one to hurt anybody. Basically can't stand any sort of confrontation that is angry or aggressive when he's not in predator mode. But that insatiable urge to stay alive via the need for feeding on humans is one he can't successfully shake. It took a long time for him to move on from feeding on a human child once. He was absolutely beside himself once he realized how far he went and what a true monster he is now. After all who'd willing prey on a child? Though he didn't kill the child, he'd come very close.

This beast inside his heart now is something that does get very emotional over and sometimes goes as far as crying. There have been times where he's thought about taking himself out to avoid living like this.Just tempting death by letting someone shoot him in the head or heart. He'd probably do it without hesitation if it wasn't for his best friend. His best friend probably doesn't realize how much of a saving grace he is for him as he'd been since they'd been friends. There's a side of Blue that knows he wouldn't want to leave his friend behind like that, knowing how much he's lost already.
Quick History
Little Boy Blue     0-18
"Little Boy Blue" was born the third and final child of Anthony and Leia Huxley. He was actually quite the surprise for the couple as the plan had only been to have two children. However, the further along Leia got in her pregnancy the more she got into the idea of having another baby. Blue was born on Christmas day in 1992 and he was the best Christmas present for the family. They never knew that there was a missing piece to their family but after Blue came into the world, they knew he'd been that missing piece all along.

When he was two, a new neighbor moved into the neighborhood and she happened to have a child the same age as Blue. He and Crowley Wilde became fast acquaintances but that didn't turn into true friendship until they were both in school. Crowley was the one person that stood up their peers when they made fun of Blue's speech impediment. Blue has had to contend with a stutter from the time he could talk and it's always been the subject of torment for kids that were not his brother and sister. His mother, who was a speech therapist, worked with Blue on the daily.

If it wasn't for Crowley, Blue wasn't sure what he would have done. They moved through school together at each other's side. Crowley became his protector against torment that got worse as they got older. Blue was not one for confrontation or aggression at all. Probably wouldn't even throw a punch if he needed to but he didn't have to with his best friend by his side. Blue was a sweetheart and could easily be anyone's friend without having his arm twisted but making friends just was never a strong suit. He did well in school and tried to join clubs but he never garnered the confidence to actually go through with it.

When they were finally eighteen, Crowley's mom told him the identity of his father. Some guy named North Sigurd. After they graduated, Crowley was on a mission to find his dad and asked Blue to come along. Again no arm twisting needed to be done for Blue to agree. He didn't have any solid plans for after high school anyway. He figured while out on the road with Crowley, he could be thinking about his future. His parents weren't that enthused about Blue being away from them but they knew he was an adult now and knew how much their son thrived being at Crowley's side. So the two best friends set out on the road but the mission took a terrible turn when the friends were attacked on the road. One of the last vivid things Blue remembers was intertwining his fingers with Crowley's and hanging on for life as the light made room for darkness.
What the Hell?     18-103
Blue spends a lot of time blocking out his attacks on humanity. Those early days after becoming infected run together to him. You could say he is doing what comes natural to him but it doesn't take away how horrible he feels afterwards. There's one particular attack he remembers that always makes his stomach drop to the soles of his feet. It was an innocent 10 year old boy but for the monster within Blue, it had been a delicious temptation. Biting down into the kid's throat despite his screams and drinking in his blood. He was tasty. Blue left him alive but there's a chance there is boy walking about that will be forever stuck in a little boy's body.
Drifting on...     Today
It's just Blue and Crowley, and that's about as familiar as it gets now besides the blood thirst. He wasn't ever going to leave Crowley's side before but its even more apparent now to Blue that they stick together. Strength in numbers and all of that. It's been a few months since the infection and Blue is trying to stay afloat. He's also trying to be there for his best friend as he battles ptsd. Blue's not sure what each day they live will bring but he's content in knowing that no matter what happens, they have each other's backs.
Extra Information
One     Kleptomaniac
Call him Mr.Sticky fingers if you must but it won't change anything. Blue often gets the urge to steal, especially when its a shiny object he has his eye on. It has nothing to do with whether or not he dislikes you. Kleptomania is an impulse control disorder. While treatable, it is not curable. You cannot make him just stop the behavior. Therapy and/or medication (antidepressants) may help but again, neither will cure him completely. Just try to keep in mind he doesn't mean anything by it.
Two     *TW Suicide Ideation *TW*
While he does not make it known -- not even to his best friend, Crowley -- but every once in a while he thinks about death. Specifically dying by suicide. Blue's pretty certain that if he didn't have the company of Crowley, he would off himself without hesitation. It's not an often thought. Just when he really feels depressed about the state of his existence. He knows he could talk to Crowley about it, but he also doesn't want to worry his best friend.
Three     Candy
Actual food intake is not needed for survival now, but once upon a time Blue was a huge candy feign. It was a great motivator when he was learning how to talk, walk, and even potty train. He misses it and wishes he would be able to eat and enjoy it like he used to.