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Blood & Bone    Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia Index
Welcome to Blood & Bone's encyclopedia! This is filled with all the little extra bits of lore that weren't important enough to add into the guidebook itself, but are still canon and relevant to the site overall. For all you lore junkies out there, this is just for you! The best part about the encyclopedia is that it's member-created as well! Anyone on the site, both staff as well as regular members, are able to add their own lore and help expand on the site. If you are interested in adding onto the lore, you can go to the submission form to add your idea. If it fits in with the rest of the lore, then it will be added here; once it is, it's officially canon.

If you look below, you can see an example of what each encyclopedia entry will look like. Certain parts may be hidden if they don't have any information attached to them, such as extra information, the image, or the cross references. If you have any questions, feel free to consult the Staff Team!
Encyclopedia Pages
01 | Society & Culture
Society and culture is anything that can be related to day-to-day activities, both inside as well as outside of Stronghold.
02 | Technology
This lore expands on the technology that is currently available to everyone in the current game world, both inside and outside of Stronghold.
03 | Corporations
Corporations are massive businesses that keep society running and functioning. They are divided by Military owned and privately owned.
04 | Business
Smaller than corporations, businesses are almost always privately owned, free from the Military's grasp.
05 | Groups & Colonies
Groups are hierarchy-based organizations that are smaller and less recognized than factions. Colonies are groups of drifters.
06 | Locations
IC locations that aren't large enough to warrant their own forum board. This can also include landmarks people know of.
07 | Miscellaneous
Anything else lore-based that doesn't fit into any of the other categories. This is a catch-all for miscellaneous information.
Entry Example
Entry Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eget turpis id ligula ultrices rutrum. Suspendisse potenti. Donec ipsum mauris, feugiat maximus erat vel, tristique dapibus odio. Curabitur nec ultricies augue. Duis eleifend ligula non nisi hendrerit, et sagittis eros semper. Etiam tristique fermentum pellentesque. Nullam quis mi dolor. In quis pharetra arcu, non finibus justo. Aliquam varius urna quis porta suscipit.

Curabitur euismod, ipsum nec sollicitudin pellentesque, dui leo tincidunt dolor, et suscipit ligula odio id ipsum. Quisque vel euismod dui. Praesent eleifend aliquet erat. Quisque nec dolor urna. Aliquam mauris massa, aliquam eu dolor ac, pretium finibus justo. Integer hendrerit lobortis massa, vitae tincidunt dolor tincidunt vestibulum. Sed aliquet auctor mi. Ut volutpat ac lectus ac cursus. Duis vel sem sem. Fusce nec maximus leo. Aliquam ornare odio sit amet quam sollicitudin, et dictum mauris venenatis. Sed convallis cursus tincidunt.
Extra Information
Sed aliquet auctor mi. Ut volutpat ac lectus ac cursus. Duis vel sem sem. Fusce nec maximus leo. Aliquam ornare odio sit amet quam sollicitudin, et dictum mauris venenatis. Sed convallis cursus tincidunt.
Cross References