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Blood & Bone    Profile of Kane Abraham

Kane Abraham
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Offline Created 09-15-2021
1 Posts 0 Threads
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In-Depth Information

  • Birthplace: Chicago, IL
  • Sexuality: Demiromantic Pansexual
  • Residence: The Stronghold | Night Forum
  • Romantic Status: Not looking for anything serious.

  • Height: 6'4"
  • Body Type: Muscular, leanly so.
  • Eye Color: Green.
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Other Notable Features: Tattoos.
  • Ailments: None.

  • MBTI: ISTJ-A | The Logistician
  • Vices: Sex, alcohol, sex, fighting.
  • Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Accent: American (with lots of colorful language)
  • Language: English

  • Hobbies: Sleeping, boxing, sexing, fighting, drinking
  • Bores: Reading, writing, art, "girly shit"
  • Primary Weapon: These hands.
  • Special Item(s): -
Kane Abraham is not the name the man was born with, but it was the name he gave himself when he 'woke up'. Kane has no recollection of his life before the virus - the result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. More like the wrongest place at the wrongest time - Kane was unconscious when he was turned, and the amnesia he suffered at the fists of some drifters bled into the effects of the virus itself.

Not that it matters. He's come into his own. He's a fight first ask questions later kind of dude, and he refuses to put up with anyone's bullshit.

Some things about Kane:

  • -Hot-headed | +Passionate: Kane tends to run hot, borderline aggressive unless he's performing a Task. Any Task given to Kane is one that he will complete with whole-hearted devotion, [i]especially[/i] when directed to this Task by Kaede or Kaleb. If he's faced with aggression, it's almost as though he feeds on the negativity and almost seems to find glee in being able to beat the shit out of anyone who gives him lip. He's like a canine livestock guardian - leave his herd alone, treat them with respect and you'll be fine. Threaten them, harm them? It's likely that you'll wish you hadn't.
  • -Unfiltered | +Honest: A lot of times people think they want honesty when what they actually want is a view from behind rose-tinted glasses. Kane won't offer that. He's an unfiltered son of a bitch who gives his opinion in no uncertain terms when it's asked of him, and then has a tendency to get wildly confused when his opinion isn't received positively. Kane deals in straight honesty, as unfiltered as it might be, and does so because that's how he prefers to be dealt with.
  • -Obsessive | +Dedicated: Work is life. Life is work. Kane spends much of his time at The River Styx and that's how he likes it. He truly thrives on being a guardian to his herd. Kane thrives on having a Task and will hone in on it with laser focus regardless as to what the actual task is. However, while he is dedicated, there are times that Kane can be almost obsessive. There are a few unfortunate souls in his life that have been a focus of that obsession - the twins specifically - and Kane will Protect At All Costs. The workers at The River Styx also run the risk of being obsessed over, but it works out well as it is his job to keep them safe.
  • Quick History
    1985, FEB: Kane was born.

    1995: Kane is jumped after school and receives a broken wrist and two black eyes. He continues to be bullied.

    1996: Kane's parents move to the deep country of the midwest, an attempt in making life a little easier for their son.

    2003, JUN: Kane is supposed to graduate, but the outbreak has other ideas. Kane is 18 years old.

    2010, JUN: Kane's family goes into hiding. Kane is 25 years old.

    2011, MAY: Kane's mother and father decide to make a run for Stronghold. Kane wants to stay with his family, so he follows suit.

    2011, JUL: Kane's mother is infected. She is left behind.

    2012, FEB: Kane's father is infected. Kane travels alone.

    2012, MAR: Kane is cornered by a group of predatory drifters. Unable to defend himself, Kane falls unconscious. Upon waking, he has no recollection of his past.

    2012, MAR: Kane is also infected. Kane is 27 years old.

    2085, APR: Kane comes to, inherently knowing something is different. The first thing he sees? Two men, identical in both feature and stature peering worriedly down at him. These men are Kaede and Kaleb Winchester. And the rest, as they say, is history.

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