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Blood & Bone    Profile of London Bridges

London Bridges
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(Hidden) Created 10-08-2021
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London will always do what she needs to to survive. The woman has a strong sense of moral values, though what those values are exactly appear to only known to her. Generally, she is resonable definitely does not put up with shit and isn't afraid to tell people anything they need to hear. Sometimes she can express emotions at inappropriate times. She handles her business and conducts herself with confidence as if nothing can stop her. But behind closed doors London is more...amenable to being approachable. Maybe even sweet. She is always hustling, looking for ways to increase her standard of living so she will always stay comfortable in wealth. A great analogy for the woman would be a hermit crab, in her shell protecting herself from harm and trusting the wrong people. Even though she can be prickly, hanging out with London can be fun because she does know how to find a good time in hard places. Positive Traits: Independent, Artistic, Honest, Adaptable, Cunning/Playful Negative Traits: Materialistic, Blunt, Calculating, Opportunistic, Hot and Cold
Quick History
Quick History: London is the eldest daughter of an inner citadel woman who was the mistress of a military officer. When he died her, her mom and sibling were left pennyless and shoved off for the outer citadel. When she got older London became a stripper to help pay bills. On her mom's death bed she pulled a favor from an old friend to get the girls back into the inner citadel so they could be taken care of after she was gone. London is now an actress at the theater and hopes to find a stupid or old rich man to scam in order to keep her and her baby sister from going back to poverty.
Extra Information
Interests: -Acting -Exercising -Cooking -Dancing (Pole and Otherwise) -Crushing Opposition Beneath Her Heel Like An Ant -Wants To Write Her Own Play -Scamming Silly Men -Collecting Pretty Rocks -Donating/ Volunteering to Orphanage