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Blood & Bone    Profile of Nova Stclair

Nova Stclair
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Offline Created 12-07-2022
1 Posts 1 Threads
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Typically seen with long dreads dyed different colors, Nova is heavily tattooed and easy to notice. Her tendency to poke and cause trouble makes sure of it. Her sense of mischief is mainly directed towards authority which she despises. Nova despises authoritarianism in any form and won't stop until she sees it stomped out. It's no secret that she can openly be a flirt and is somewhat popular among a lot of people. Woman, man, non-binary person...It doesn't matter to her. She is open to messing around with whoever she finds attractive. Setting things on fire and blowing things up is also a must. When she's not being a pain, she is often seeking out the next big thrill. She is aware that she can be irritating to some but to others, she is the life of the party.
Quick History
Nova was born part of a small family of Drifters in No Man's Land over 30 years ago. For over a decade, she would live on a small farm as a child until her parents moved and brought her into the city with them. Eventually like so many others before them, the Stclairs found themselves living in the area ruled over by the military. For a time, they had the impression all was well until they began to learn of the cruelty the military was capable of. One day, the military had Nova's father executed. It was a day forever burned into her mind. Years passed and her mother was stricken with an illness. Eventually she passed away when Nova was 29. Over time, she became rebellious, having grown sick of the military's tyrannical rule over the people. It was then that she managed to escape, discovering Eclipse and joining them. Nova now stands against Authoritarianism and tyranny.
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