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Blood & Bone    Profile of Paris Savaci

Paris Savaci
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Offline Created 04-17-2021
6 Posts 1 Threads
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Anyone who has met Paris could attest that he has enough of an ego to fill a stadium. His well-groomed and handsomely dressed appearance hardly befits a man of his situation, and he goes about his business with a swagger that betrays his haughty nature. While others find his overconfidence abrasive often as not, Paris has proven himself rather cunning when the occasion calls for delegation. Whenever a job calls for a strong back and steady hands, he is the man to find someone else more accommodating to the task, and he owes his position in Eclipse to that skill most. However, Paris when met privately can be an altogether different man, contemplative and sympathetic toward the plights of his fellows. He remembers the misery that he suffered in Stronghold and aspires for something greater.
Quick History
Born in the squalor of Stronghold's narrows, Paris has been well-acquainted with hardship since birth. His mother suffered illness and remained bedridden for much of his childhood, and his father worked himself to the bone until the family business folded. Without means to provide for his family, Paris saw his father down in liquor and gambling debts while his mother's health deteriorated, and his bereaved father did not long survive her death. Orphaned at the fresh age of fourteen, Paris learned to survive on his wits alone, and he escaped the oppression and despair in Stronghold the first chance he had. Survival beyond those walls proved no less dangerous, but Paris garnered a reputation for himself among the smuggler rings as a self-made con artist, plying his trade with them in the years since then.
Extra Information
Dark brown eyes, olive complexion, 6'2" in height. Lithe, muscular build. More of a runner than a fighter. Literate and well-spoken. Bilingual in English and French. Hedonistic narcissist. Notoriously unlucky.