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Blood & Bone    Profile of DAVI DE CARVALHO

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Offline Created 04-26-2021
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the military academy is the closest thing to meritocracy stronghold had to give—davi de carvalho, secret service officer, wrung every goddamn opportunity he could from it. rising through the ranks, assignment after assignment proved him to be a good soldier but a sharp mind. the mind’s crowning achievement: a revivification of encryption algorithms for secure radio and text communication in his service as a signal officer. in real easy terms: if stronghold’s gonna be a tried-and-true fortress, for it to stand unbreakable in a broken world, the fortress has gotta have iron doors to stop those insurrectionists pressing their ears up close to listen in.

make it so they know nothing at all.

a smooth repartee and political savvy have secured davi’s place not on the beat but behind the scenes in stronghold’s secret service. way back, early academy appraisals noted pragmatism and drive below an easygoing exterior. but he can sweet-talk it all too and he’ll tell it like this: the infected are a threat to every soul in stronghold, sure, but there’s a sickness that can come from the soul too. jabberwockies, eclipse, they’re a different kind of infection that can’t always be solved with a bullet.

but those early appraisal reports singled out other things too. a potential for hesitation when he had a gun in his hand. that dash of old world machismo. below that cool exterior lies a compulsive need for control at odds with a desire for competition.

you gotta be good at what you do to get far, right?
Quick History
here’s what grandpa carvalho used to say: the real blood-suckers are the bourgeoisie, kiddo. they linked arms with the black shirts at the end of the world and it’s been the end of the world for years and years and years.

davi has only been alive for thirty of them.

that’s just it. workers of the world can’t unite if there ain’t a world, comrade. grandpa carvalho thought he could build one out of wiring, motherboards and screens scavenged from what came before. no dice. soon enough, military men came to his daughters in a downtrodden district with a report that some patrol had stumbled across his lifeless body with a haul of scraps on the outskirts. the death knock wasn’t courtesy. that day, whatever granddaddy left behind was seized by men in uniform. davi was fourteen.

and you know what, sweetheart? he could care less about an old man possessed by the spectre of communism. as davi sees it, the world’s got enough dead to drag another old corpse into the limelight. no, the spotlight’s meant for the living. the breathing. it’s meant for a celebration of innovation that comes from the brink of destruction.

that’s just what davi aims to do: innovate.
Extra Information
davi’s technical know-how digs deep into electrical engineering and encryption. a small pet project: restoring audio and music from old cd-roms found in scavenging runs. trust the military to hoard quality speakers.

grew up in a brazilian enclave in stronghold & fluent in english and portuguese.