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Blood & Bone    Profile of Hedy Majors

Hedy Majors
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Offline Created 05-03-2021
1 Posts 1 Threads
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In-Depth Information
In addition to her delayed relationship development she also has some memory loss, and is prone to have frequent headaches, and speech delay (Simply having difficulties say certain syllables and pronunciations, it’s left her with a bit of a stutter) She refuses to see her issues as a handicap, despite the flaws she has quite a number of skills; she’s quite the observer, loves maps and holds a bit of careful patience in her scavenging and finds useful and unique items, what she can’t find she finds in nature, she’s got quite the collection in her current place of stay.
Quick History
Childish nightmares, who would have ever thought? Finding restless nights and a habit that followed her throughout her life; hugging her neck, arms crossing around like she was choking herself - probably not a good position to sleep.For a while she wasn't alone; she traveled with her mom and others, and left when things got hairy, that's how things always were with them though. Hedy couldn't remember a time she ever stayed anywhere, they were sorta a Nomad in that way. As a single mother who got pregnant with Hedy her Father unknown and may never know him. Hedy had accident when she was younger that left her with a head injury. She became withdrawn and her personality changed from extrovert - born into this world as normal as anyone can; to introvert with delayed relationship development - how fitting with their surroundings. Hedy’s Mother was her protector and aided her through this hell, until recently about 4 years now since she died from an attack on their encampment. Now Hedy left alone, with their people gone - not dead, no blood was found, but somewhere taken in the middle of the night while she went off to look for goods. Those nightmares and sleepless nights still keep her company. Now she scavenges what she can to survive, it's all she's ever known, looks for what she needs in front of her and a path ahead.
Extra Information
Like a Raven she has found a talent of finding things, just about anything and in this discovering music from an old ancient listening device, and fairly recently than that books, educating herself where there was no use of old history in this time; but wonders about it, a time before this..