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Blood & Bone    Profile of Lilith Delavigne

Lilith Delavigne
Basic Information
Played by Ferret
Offline Created 08-01-2021
5 Posts 3 Threads
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In-Depth Information
  • Nicknames     Lili, Mistress
  • Sex     Female
  • Date of Birth     12 November, 1985
  • Zodiac     Scorpio
  • Languages     English, French

  • Height     5'11"
  • Weight     145 lbs
  • Build     Svelte
  • Hair Color     Dark Brown
  • Eye Color     Green (Yellow when hungry)
  • Key Features     Distinct smirk

  • Moral Alignment     Chaotic Neutral
  • Relationship Status     Ew, attachments
  • Sexuality     Demiromantic Pansexual
  • MBTI     ESTP (The Debater)


Lilith is a cruel mistress: That much is obvious.

Between her subtle sadism and outright approval of extreme brutality, it should come as no surprise that the Ace of Clubs is as vicious as her gang. She is, however, not a mindless brute. Her keen eye and ability to strategize and seize opportunities is surely what aided her in climbing to the top long with cracking skulls. Though she prefers direct methods, she is not above indirect means to reach her goals. Seduction. Manipulation. Deceit. All of it is on the table.

Lilith is a kind mistress: Only to those who are hers.

To an extent, she is protective of those in her gang, or truly, those who earn her respect. It is difficult, for one must prove themselves useful, but those who do will find themselves afforded to privileges others are not. Whether that be a night with her or something more tangible, Lilith most certainly plays favors, all with the goal of motivating the jealousy in others to do better. If her favorites happen to die, then they are not worthy of her attention. They are easily replaced.

Lilith is a selective mistress: Only the best will do.

Her status as an Infected demands that she feed and she does. Among her favorites in the gang, Lilith forms an informal harem where blood and sexual favors are traded constantly. She keeps quiet about this, of course, and anyone who might happen to cause her to double their willingness to keep quiet mysteriously finds themselves no longer walking on this plane of existence. Secrecy is a must.

Lilith is a business savvy mistress: There are deals everywhere if only you will look for them.

While she is confident in her ability to fend off any challenger, she is not a fool. She fully believes that if she does not provide her gang a distraction, they will find one in her. Though not paranoid, she sees little use in a gang that sits on their asses all day, as such, she is more open to deals and negotiations with others if the price is right. Do not be mistaken, however, she is just a quick to resort of violence and force someone else’s hand as she is to legitimately negotiate with them. To make a deal with Lilith is to make a gamble. You can never be too sure if she will get a better offer.
Quick History
"Some women fear the fire"
Lilith hardly remembers her life before it was significantly improved and she believes this for the better.

She does not recall that she was not originally a Delavigne, nor that she was adopted into the family -- something her older step-siblings were sure to remind her of. She was tormented behind closed door and out of sight of their parents.

The distaste her adoptive siblings had for her, of course, lied in the fact that in only a few short weeks, Lilith had managed to wrap her new parents around her finger. Ever the vengeful one, she sought revenge, and moreso, to humiliate her siblings for minor slights against her.

Even if she did not enjoy ruling from the shadows, she used this power to remind the rest of the household who was really in charge. Oftentimes, ‘accidents’ befell her siblings when they happened to annoy her or step out of an ever changing line.

She found success outside of this however, having done well for herself in school and eventually opening her own business at 22 (with the aid of her parent’s money, of course).

By the time the virus broke out, Lilith was not yet 25. When the world began to shut down, the Delavigne’s thought it best to flee the city. They would however, never make it. The family was attacked, Lilith was infected and then, her memory completely fades.

"Some women simply become it."
In 2085, Lilith mutates into a Level V infected and regains consciousness. She has no memory of what transpired between the time of her infection and her new consciousness, nor does she wish to.

Getting into the Stronghold with the aid of a stolen forged pass from the Eclipse, Lilith finds herself quickly falling into line with the highly violent Clubs gang.

It is in the gang where her cruelty and cutthroat ways truly get to shine. Between deceit and more often brute force, she quickly rises in the ranks and comes out on top within the in-fighting.

Upon becoming the Ace of Clubs, Lilith pushes for her gang to be more violent in the name of profit. Raids on drifter settlements become more common in order to facilitate this. She cares little for those harmed in the process.

She develops herself a type of harem comprised of humans she feeds off of to save her the need of going very far for a meal.

Now, Lilith sits as the Queenpin, but she does not do so idly. She looks for any chance that might present itself in order to better her gang, having even considered alliances or more dangerously, war.

Extra Information

No one can stop me

For only I am in control

And if you want me

You better contact my people

In my crown

I am Queen

I love their endless worshipping

Cause all your heads are gonna roll

I've made your misery my goal

So if you want survival

Kneel on my arrival

This is how I rule the world