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Blood & Bone    Profile of Kaleb Winchester

Kaleb Winchester
Basic Information
Played by N/A
Offline Created 08-01-2021
11 Posts 4 Threads
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In-Depth Information
Pronunciation     Kay-lih-b Win-cheh-str Sex     XY Chromosomes Birthday     June 4th, 1982 Alignment     Chaotic Neutral Sexuality     Homoromantic Demisexual Relationship     It's Complicated Languages     English Residence     Night Forum Height     6 Feet 2 Inches Skin     Peaches-and-cream Eyes     Steel grey-blue Hair     Chestnut brown Build     Muscular; in-shape Tattoos     Currently none Piercings     Currently none Health    Healthy; no medical concerns


Kaleb has an incestuous relationship with his brother. If you want a thread with Kaleb and/or Kaede but are uncomfortable with mentions of this, feel free to let me/Andromeda know and we won't include it in our thread!
Kaleb has a very unique personality, starting with his little quirk that everyone notices right away — he's a massive germaphobe. It's ironic, considering he's an Infected that can't get sick, no matter what. The truth is that Kaleb was very sick and near death when he was still a human, and if it had not been for Cypher's medical trials of DraC-2, he would have ended his life at a young age. The trauma that came from his near-death has left the man scarred, and he has an extreme phobia of germs. Kaleb wears heavy coats and thick leather gloves most of the time, refusing to touch anything unless he's certain it's clean — and, by proxy, loathing having anyone touch him. He must feed on another living being in order to survive, but the thought of having to sink his fangs into some dirty beast's body in order to drink from them is absolutely revolting. He will not drink blood unless it's in a glass, and even then, he prefers to bleed his prey himself to ensure it's clean.

Past his irrational hatred of germs, Kaleb's personality has been molded and shaped over the decades he's been alive as an Infected. Whoever he had been as a human — some poor, meek little creature that had nearly died from an infection — was no more. Now, he is a cunning and quick-witted creature, a dominant predator that sits at the top of the food chain. He's gained confidence over the years of being a creature of habit, and he does not fear confrontation with anyone, no matter their ability to kill. His newly-found confidence and sharp wit makes him the perfect business man that has a hand in the underworld. Secrecy is paramount in his position, and he enjoys gambling with loose associations to the Jabberwockies and conflict with the Military. However, it's his twin brother, Kaede, that truly keeps him strong. Kaede is the only person that Kaleb has ever allowed close to him, and he's content to remain in their bubble of two.

In general he's a very calm and level-headed person, not the type to lash out in anger or react based on emotions. He's ruthless in what he does — little to no compassion for the humans that they buy and sell off like a commodity — but there's very little emotion when he does it. It can be frightening to some, to see just how apathetic he is about the dark dealings he gets his hands (metaphorically) dirty with. His natural nature of being someone that thinks before acting — of remaining in a more passive mood, no matter what — makes him the perfect yang to Kaede's yin. It's no secret that his twin brother can often get a little ahead of himself when it comes to dealing with issues, and Kaleb is always there to remind him when it's time to reel things back in. When it's time to cool his head again. In return, Kaede truly empowers Kaleb and makes him feel safe.

The Infected is cunning and quick-witted, and while he does not take over any of the more public business transactions of the club he owns with Kaede, he is content to remain in the shadows, doing what dirty work needs to be done. He is by no means stupid, and any that think they can fool him are quick to learn the consequences of their mistakes. Despite his obvious flaw of fearing germs, Kaleb is an Infected not many think to cross, which makes him and his brother a deadly duo. Kaleb trusts his twin like he trusts no one else, and his loyalty can be described as 'unto death do we part'. Some may say their loyalty to one another extends into some twisted form of love — although it would be true of course that the twins have a familial love towards one another — but they merely see it as being reflections of one another. Two sides of the same coin.
Quick History
Life before the Infection     Age 0 — 28
Kaleb was born as the second son to a loving husband and wife — only a few seconds after his older identical twin brother, Kaede. From birth the two of them were inseparable, crying as soon as the other was out of their sight. The only thing that ever made them happy was being with one another, and that never changed, not even as they grew older and began to gain their own interests and wants. They looked exactly the same, but they were very different from one another — for Kaleb, in a detrimental way. From a young age, he was sickly.

Kaleb was constantly bouncing in and out of hospitals; if he wasn't sick with one thing, it was another. Doctors couldn't understand why he had such a poor immune system, and why he was always sick. It made his parents extremely protective over him, worrying each time he fell in the dirt or accidentally ate something off the table instead of his plate. Their paranoia over trying to keep him healthy in return began to affect Kaleb, and while mild at first, he slowly began to show symptoms of being a germaphobe.

His brother, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. Healthy as a mule, with an extreme passion for athleticism. Kaleb was always on the front line cheering his brother on, but as they grew older, Kaleb began to feel more and more left behind by his twin. The separation between them scared him, and at only fourteen years old he realized that his entire world circled around his brother — in a way he knew would be shunned and looked down on by society. So he kept his mouth shut, doing what he could to please Kaede and keep him happy, while continuing to suffer from health issue after health issue.

At only eighteen years old, the twins were ready to head off to college together — Kaede on a sports scholarship and Kaleb taking out student loans — when he suffered from a massive stroke that nearly killed him. His parents freaked out and refused to let him go to college, informing him he was to stay at home where they could watch him and take care of him — all the while pushing Kaede to go to college. There was no choice for them, and for the first time in their lives, the twins were separated from one another.

The stress of being away from his 'mirror self' sent Kaleb's health into even further decline, even if he refused to show his weakness to his twin. After this near-death experience, Kaleb's germaphobia intensified, to the point where he got nauseous and sick whenever anyone tried to touch him — and he couldn't touch anything either, unless he had wiped it down first. Life began to pass him at a blur, and another massive stroke brought Kaede back to him for good. At twenty-eight years old, Cypher released an announcement they were beginning trial tests with Draculin, which was said to help stroke patients. The twins' parents immediately signed Kaleb up.

As they say — the rest is history. Lethal side effects were quickly broadcast over the news as the virus took hold of its victims, Kaleb no different. Knowing he was about to die — or, at least, turn into some creature society feared — he confessed his love to his twin and was surprised when it was met with the same response. Refusing to be separated once more, Kaede asked Kaleb to bite him so that they could be turned together.
Life after the Infection     Age 28 — 103
As is typical of Infected, Kaleb doesn't remember anything from when he was a mindless creature. He shivers at the thought that he used to crawl through the muck and dirty, hunting humans and drinking their filthy blood straight from their necks. He looks back at such times with disgust, glad that he finally regained his humanity ten years earlier.
Life in Stronghold     Age 103+
Kaleb awoke alongside his twin brother, Kaede, and they've been by one another's side ever since. Desperate to get out of the dirt and back into civilization again, they were quick to steal identities and stealth their way into Stronghold. For many years, they simply survived by lurking in the shadows and doing their best to become one with society once more. Even though secrecy aided them in their return, they quickly grew tired of having to hunt their prey, especially when Kaleb turned his nose up at most dinner opportunities.

When an abandoned building underneath the main street of the Night Forum presented itself to them, they quickly took the opportunity to build it into something Stronghold had never seen until that point: a blood den. It was a location that could finally unite the wandering Level V Infected in one place — an establishment that prided itself on providing fresh human blood for those not looking to hunt their food every day. While deemed the co-owner of The River Styx, Kaleb was content to fade more into the background, handling the background business while his brother became the face of the club.

Because of the nature of their club, the twins have very loose business dealings with the Jabberwockies, and Kaleb rather enjoys the thrill of dancing the line with legal and illegal opportunities. Thus far they've managed to stay under the radar of the ever-vigilant Military, and he's determined to stay that way. At the end of the day, Kaleb is simply happy with having his twin at his side again.
Extra Information
Infected     Level V
Being turned into an Infected, and subsequently a Level V Infected, actually saved Kaleb's life. While sickly and prone to nearly-fatal strokes as a human, Kaleb now takes pride in the healthy body that he had never been able to experience in the past. He doesn't regret the trials he took part in, and loves to flaunt his new-found strength and power.
Mental Health     Germaphobe
Even though he cannot get sick anymore, Kaleb still is unable to get passed his mental block of being a germaphobe. If anything, it only intensified with his heightened emotions as an Infected. He loathes touching another person, and in turn, hates being touched by anyone he's not close with. Kaleb also refuses to drink blood straight from a person — instead, he requires draining their blood into a clean glass first.
Appetite     Infected Blood
Strangely enough, over the years, Kaleb has acquired a taste for Infected blood. Although it does not provide him sustenance the same way human blood does, he enjoys the exotic taste of Infected blood that is very unlike anything that humans have. He also considers it a more "pure" version of blood, free of infection (hah) and disease, and he drinks it almost as if he believes it will keep him healthier than human blood.