Thread Moderation
Anything thread-related that requires staff moderation can be posted in this thread. This includes archiving finished or dead threads, re-activating a thread, and more. Listed below are the various different forms to use based on which kind of moderation you need. If you have a request that isn't below, but still has to do with thread moderation, feel free to post without a form.
Archive Thread
[b]Thread Type:[/b] OOC, IC, Communications, etc
[b]Thread Link:[/b] URL of the thread to be archived
Re-Activate Thread
[b]Thread Type:[/b] OOC, IC, Communications, etc
[b]Thread Link:[/b] URL of the thread to be re-activated
[b]Destination Board:[/b] The board the thread needs to be moved to
Delete Thread
[b]Thread Link:[/b] URL of the thread to be deleted
[b]Reason:[/b] Give your reason why the thread needs to be deleted