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Private  Who Called the Cops?    Tag: Ananke Drakos
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Played by Silhouette    101 Posts Étienne Blanchard
TAG Ananke Drakos

It was easy for him to sneak back into Stronghold, what with him still holding a pass into the city, so it wasn't uncommon for him to make the midnight trips inside the walls to deliver goods to their... Less respectable clientele. Not everyone in Eclipse wanted to deal with the darker side of Stronghold, but Étienne didn't have such issues. While he may not agree with everything that went on in the underground, he didn't see Eclipse as being that much different than them. They all skulked around in the dark behind the Military's back, doing what was necessary for survival. His group just happened to do it for money, while the Jabberwockies did it for pleasure. A sick, twisted sort of pleasure.

Dealings with the gang was what brought him into Stronghold tonight — with the Spades Gang in particular. They were looking for some rather specialized equipment — blunt melee weapons made for serious damage — and Eclipse doesn't even bat an eye. They take the order at the exchange of money, and Étienne took it upon himself to deliver it that night. The trade went smoothly, and although the gang didn't know exactly who he was, they still treated him with decent-enough respect. As he leaves the back rooms, his attention is caught by the massive steel cage set up in the middle of the large, underground warehouse. A roar of excitement floats up from the crowd of people as they gather even closer to the cage to watch.

He knows he shouldn't stay. It wasn't the kind of place he should be, and the thick smoke hanging in the air was already kicking his addiction into high gear. But damn his curiosity as he slunk towards the very front of the crowd, his grey-blue eyes widening ever so slightly at the sight inside the cage:

Blood. Fangs. Screaming. Two men were currently fighting a Reaper inside the cage, and it went without saying that they were on the losing end of the fight. One of the men clutched his left arm pathetically, blood bubbling up between his fingers and trickling down his arm in a grotesque waterfall. It wasn't enough that it would make him bleed out and die, but the panic in his eyes was very obvious: did it get me? Étienne barely spares him another look — already marking him as 'dead' in his mind — as his attention returns to the other man dancing around the cage, erratic in his movements after seeing his buddy being attacked. But the most frightening part of the scene was the Reaper. It just stood there, silently watching him.

Waiting. Biding its time.

It was smart enough to wait for the man to move closer, and then —

"Gyaaaaaaaaaa!" The shriek rips through the underground warehouse and the crowd lets out a roar, the closest patrons banging against the cage in excitement. Étienne scowls at the scene, then turns and begins to push his way back to the entrance. Savages.

Posted 04-02-2021, 10:55 PM This post was last modified: 04-15-2021, 12:11 PM by Étienne Blanchard
Played by    59 Posts Ananke Drakos
Operation time: 0200 hours

Personnel: Nest elimination squad 3-E and criminal activity squad A-3

Objectives: Eliminate all infected in the vicinity and terminate all operations by any means necessary

This isn't the usual mission for Ananke. The usual mission takes place far out from Stronghold, not in the heart of the city, deep underground. The usual mission is spread out over No-Man's-Land, with radios closing the distance between you and your nearest operative. The usual mission doesn't involve squads from other teams, requiring the strained teamwork that comes when two branches intermingle in ways they're not supposed to.

And yet, here Ananke stands, one of four nest elimination operatives assigned to charge into this building, with the express mission of killing every infected inside. Two people from criminal activity flank her; she pays them no mind. Their job is to track down every human inside these wall and arrest them for either perpetrating or participating in these 'infected fights'. Her job is to fixate solely on the infected. Whatever politics goes on behind the scenes- the Spades, the Jabberwockies- isn't of any concern to her. She's just here to do what she does best.

She gestures to the door they're about to knock down. Other branches have more subtle ways of entering. Nest elimination does not do subtle, not with their guns and bombs and heavy armor. "Everyone at the ready?" It feels strange not to hear the answer filtered through radio waves and a long, stretching distance. "Alright. Begin in three, two, one..."

Everything happens in short order. The door is broken down. Her team bursts through, shouting orders to lay on the ground and stay there. The informant who had tipped them off had been kind enough to provide schematics of the building; they were on a balcony that would give them a view of the arena from above, and so Ananke circles around the edge until she finds what she's finds it.

And there it is. The snarling, drooling thing she's become accustomed to seeing. It feeds on two victims, already future corpses. Somehow, in the cramped confined of the urban building, surrounded by iron bars and now-spooked bystanders, it looks larger than usual.

It doesn't matter. That just makes it a bigger target.

Ananke draws aim, holds her breath, and begins to fire.

Posted 04-03-2021, 09:39 AM This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 08:44 PM by Ananke Drakos
Played by Silhouette    101 Posts Étienne Blanchard
TAG Ananke Drakos

He isn't even close to the entrance of the large, underground building when the doors suddenly collapse inward and a stream of Military operatives swarm inside. In hindsight he really shouldn't have stopped to take note of the depraved entertainment going on, but curiosity had gotten the better of him. Maybe if he had just left as soon as his work had been taken care of —

There were shouts for everyone to get on the ground, but of course that's not what actually happened. Pandemonium exploded as soon as the first Military officer stepped inside the room, the fight onlookers scattering like cockroaches. For many of them, getting caught again was nothing short of a death sentence for them; for others, they simply didn't want their identities revealed. It wasn't uncommon for people from the Inner Citadel to be found down here, slumming it up with the poorest of the poor. Étienne froze in place as people ran for their lives, haphazardly shoving their way past him and briefly knocking him off balance. Étienne was good on his feet and quickly regained balance, but something caught his eye as he righted himself: a lone female officer heading for the cage.

He didn't really care about the poor suckers that had taken the bet to face off against a reaper, but a moment of panic blossomed in his chest as he watched her raise her firearm — and begin shooting. Shit, was she crazy!? The building was still full of people — many of whom were now scrambling for cover from the gunfire — and that included her very own people. Anger was a soft buzz in the back of his head at the negligent disregard for the people around her, and before he could restrain himself, the Eclipse leader found himself shoving his way through people towards her. The reaper roared inside the cage as bullets lodged themselves in its flesh, but it was quick enough that it managed to avoid the most lethal of shots.

He got to her just as her round of ammo finished, and before she had the chance to reload, he lunged forward and shoved the barrel of her gun towards the ground. Fingers wrapped around the hot metal and he yanked, hard, making it clear he wasn't about to just let go and let her resume her shooting spree.

“Are you crazy!?” he snarled, voice raised a little bit too loud over the chaos ensuing around them, “What the hell do you think you're doing, shooting in a room full of people!?” He didn't normally make it his place to involve himself in the troubles of people around him — call him selfish if you wanted, he didn't care. But the blatant disregard for gun safety was not something he could overlook, even if it was from a Military officer. Perhaps later he would regret getting himself involved when he could have easily just slipped out the back and avoided a confrontation, but at the moment he couldn't contain his hot temper.

“You could hit one of your own men!” he continued, guessing that would be more important than the criminals around them. A dramatic flourish of his hand revealed the crowd of Military officers now finally starting to take control of the situation.

Posted 04-04-2021, 12:50 PM This post was last modified: 04-15-2021, 12:12 PM by Étienne Blanchard
Played by    59 Posts Ananke Drakos
In a perfect world, this operation would have gone off without a hitch. Criminal activities would have restrained all the witnesses, kept them in check, Ananke and her team would have located all the infected without issue, and with a few well places bullets (and knives, and explosives if it really came down to it), every monster in the building would have been wiped out in the matter of an hour.

Of course, this world is far from perfect, and even the most carefully laid out plans can be derailed by none other than mass human stupidity.

Civilians are supposed to follow orders from military without question and without hesitation. Even without the training and discipline drilled into them, they're all aware of the law, and the consequences of breaking it. The unspoken rules were clear- you either obeyed, or suffered the consequences.

And yet, some of them decide not to obey. Some of them scream, some of them run, and some of them, bafflingly, resist arrest, as if being put in jail is worse than being eating alive by a living nightmare. It slows down the plan, prevents Ananke from locating the nearest infected as soon as she'd like, but it doesn't stop her from succeeding eventually. Herding in the humans is squad A-3's business. Her job is to kill every vampire in sight as quickly as possible.

Trapped in the pit serving as the area, the reaper is isolated, save for two victims that can already be written off as dead. It's easy enough for Ananke to localize her fire, and even though the reaper survives the first clip, the specialist can see it bleeding and slowing. Another round or two will put it down. This is good.

Then a stranger decides to grab her gun.

Ananke freezes.

She's unsure of what to do, mostly because no one has ever been so monumentally stupid enough to do this before. The possibility isn't even listed as a training scenario. “Are you crazy!?” The blond man snarls, as if he isn't the insane one for interfering with a military soldier's mission. “You could hit one of your own men!” He tries to convince her to stop, as if doing so won't mean risking exponentially more lives, military or not.

Not to say that friendly fire isn't a possibility, but Ananke and her team have trained to minimize the risk as much as possible. They've done countless drills, run countless scenarios, practicing and calculating and simulating dozens of formations to make each member as safe and effective as possible.

But explaining all this to this stranger, who is more an obstacle than a person at this point, would take too long.

"Let. Go," Ananke sees, jerking her weapon back in an attempt to free it. "You are obstructing official military business." It's a standard line, fed to her by protocol, but what she'd really like to say is 'or would you rather the Reaper eat us all first'.

Posted 04-04-2021, 03:28 PM This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 08:47 PM by Ananke Drakos
Played by Silhouette    101 Posts Étienne Blanchard
TAG Ananke Drakos

She freezes — and it's rather entertaining. He's certain most Military officers would react similarly, considering most people aren't stupid enough to grab their gun and tell them to stop firing. But he wasn't the kind of person that just bowed their heads and followed the Military's whims on command. There was a reason he had made Boss in Eclipse, and this was one of the many reasons. His grey-blue eyes bore into her as she started back at him, a couple of seconds stretching into what felt like minutes. But finally she reacts, her voice as cold as venom as she jerks the firearm back, trying to dislodge it from his grip.

His fingers tighten their hold.

Étienne refuses to give up his hold on the gun, knowing if he did, he probably would only have a couple seconds before it was turned on him rather than the thing in the cage. A few people jostle them as they run past trying to get away from the Military officers swarming into the warehouse, apparently oblivious to the current stand off going on between one of their officers and Étienne. But even with the commotion, the Eclipse boss doesn't budge, nor does his gaze waver. He listens to her threaten him, but it bounces off of him, harmless. It almost made him want to laugh at the sheer irony of the statement — he 'obstructed official Military business' in his daily life. Not that she would know any of that of course.

Stubborn as a mule, Étienne hesitates for only a split second before he gives the officer his response:

“No.” A single word that held the gravity of the situation in its meaning. He wasn't about to back down simply because some Military dog told him he should. Instead, he once again tightened his grip before giving a subtle, yet meaningful tug back: he wasn't about to let her start shooting again.

“If you think shooting up a place full of civilians is official Military business, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to put my foot down, officer,” it's almost a sneer that comes out as he speaks back to her, words lilted with a certain kind of stubbornness that came from someone with a lot of confidence.

Posted 04-11-2021, 04:01 PM This post was last modified: 04-15-2021, 12:12 PM by Étienne Blanchard
Played by    59 Posts Ananke Drakos
He's an idiot. He's simple. He got dropped on his head as a child and the doctors couldn't save this. That's all Ananke can really think, can guess as to why this man, who is currently in a building with a man-eating super-powered creature, thinks it best to deprive her of the use of her gun, one of the few things that can kill said monster. Clearly he doesn't respect authority, but he also doesn't seem to care to use his head and think about all the people that will most definitely die because of his actions, compared to the people who might have died if he had done nothing.

She'd walk him through the math like a small, small child if time weren't so of the essence.

As it is, she's a little short and therefore must get down to business. Unlike Ettie, Ananke's voice is clipped and clinical, wiped clean of any ego. She is not so much a person while on the clock than she is a machine. "That's a shame. Then so will I." And so the soldier puts her foot down. Squarely down on the man's crotch, in fact. And just in time too, because the reaper down below had just caught sight of them, and sensing their distraction, had jumped and leaped its way up to the balcony the two were on.

Ananke always forgets how far these creatures can jump. Luckily, she's quick to remember again.

In the air, there's no were for the Reaper to dodge, and with a flick of her newly freed weapon, the soldier's bullets find themselves lodged comfortable into the center of the vampire's skull. With a shriek, the thing falls back down into the pit, alive but mortally wounded. With more pettiness than is normal for her, Ananke notes that she did not, in fact, hit any other civilians or soldiers while shooting. "Target down," she radios the rest of here team, hand to her ear. "Search the premises for any others."

Posted 04-11-2021, 06:55 PM This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 08:49 PM by Ananke Drakos
Played by Silhouette    101 Posts Étienne Blanchard
TAG Ananke Drakos

Stubborn like a mule, although he's not really surprised: all Military dogs are trained to be that way. Similarly, civilians are trained to be submissive little sheep following the orders of an officer, so perhaps that's why tension lingered between the two of them as they stared either other down. Two enemies of opposing viewpoints.

But eventually the officer's patience apparently wears thin, and the only warning the Eclipse boss is given is her clipped words before her her boot suddenly flies towards his body. Étienne isn't slow on his feet; you have to be nimble and quick when living in a world infested by creatures that are faster and stronger than you. But he's not superhuman either, and while he's able to avoid the brunt of the kick — preventing him from dropping like a sack of bricks — the force of the kick still shoves him away from her, a grunt of pain leaving him as he doubles over and stumbles back. His grip slackens and she's able to pull the barrel away from his hand finally.

The pain pulses through his body, but Étienne still watches as the reaper lunges towards them, a quick couple bullets in its body putting a stop to its momentum and sending it crashing back to the ground again. Étienne scowls as it screams — it's all too easy to forget that these things were still technically human beings. The Eclipse boss hears the officer begin to radio the rest of her team, and he decides then and there that he's overstayed his welcome. Should he choose to stay any longer, he'd certainly be rounded up like the rest of the people slowly starting to be rounded up like sheep. Étienne wasn't one of them; he wasn't the kind of person that willingly watched someone be ripped to shreds by an Infected in the name of entertainment. It was almost insulting to be thought of in the same sentence as them. Still arrogant.

He turns and takes off. He's thankful he managed to avoid most of the officer's kick, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to find his footing so fast. But karma simply isn't his friend tonight, and he doesn't get more than a couple feet before rough hands suddenly grab his shoulders and yank him backwards. A gloved hand reaches upwards to yank the fingers off his shoulder, but his wrist is captured by another set of hands midway, pulling his arm down and to his back. Étienne lets out a grunt of pain at the rough handling and sharply glances to the side, taking in the two Military officers that had finally managed to work their way towards them.

"Good work, Specialist Drakos," one of men compliment the female officer as Étienne is given a face-full of concrete wall. Geez, Military dogs didn't know how to handle people properly. For the moment he screws his mouth shut, his free hand pressed against the wall in a weak attempt to keep himself from getting crushed.

Posted 04-15-2021, 07:13 PM This post was last modified: 04-16-2021, 08:02 PM by Étienne Blanchard
Played by    59 Posts Ananke Drakos
For a few seconds, Ananke pays no mind to the fleeing man, her gaze instead locked on the much more dangerous Reaper flailing below her. It might be about to die, but until then the creature is still alive and still a threat. She's seen too many comrades let their guards down at the cusp of victory only to let a moment of carelessness cost them their life or a limb. So the specialist watches with laser-focus, waiting patiently for the beast to slow and stutter, drawing it's last breath.

Eventually, it does. It takes what feels much longer than it probably is.

"Good work, Specialist Drakos," someone says from the side, and it's enough to shake her out of her near-trance. She pivots around to see a member of the criminal activity squad congratulating her, more members pinning down the man from before. He's pinned and trapped, like an animal in a cage. Somewhat ironic considering what transpired today. Ananke stares him down, watching him struggle under the weight of his captors. He seems to be in a lot of discomfort.

"Make sure you add obstruction of justice to his charges," she tells the squad leader. She'll count on them to do their job. Meanwhile, she still has to do hers.

With a finger on her radio button, Ananke climbs down the stairs, now on ground level with the deceased beast. It's the only one in sight, but there could be more hidden elsewhere in the building. "Top level is clear," she reports. "Securing lower level now."

Posted 04-17-2021, 04:05 PM This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 08:51 PM by Ananke Drakos
Played by Silhouette    101 Posts Étienne Blanchard
TAG Ananke Drakos

Damn Military, they certainly had the brute strength of an ox, didn't they? There was no care taken in the way they pinned him against the wall, and he huffs in exaggerated annoyance — if he had to be honest, it was more-so directed towards the fact his advisors would certainly hear about this and give him an earful about how stupid it had been of him to engage in the first place. There wasn't any fear, even if the threat of being locked away in the Military Compound was very real.

Obstruction à la justice, mon cul,” he mutters under his breath, and it earns him a violent shove against the concrete wall. He wants to laugh at how much of a criminal they were currently treating him, but he keeps the amusement to himself; no need to rock the boat even further. Étienne holds his tongue, quiet as they radio someone else for confirmation before they finally yank him away from the wall, a bruising grip holds his arms behind his back to ensure he can't get away. They shove him forward and he relents with another muttered French swear, which they apparently don't appreciate if evident by the rough shove on his shoulder.

They don't get very far before the atmosphere suddenly changes.

There's something wrong. Étienne apparently notices it a second before the Military officers do, his entire body tensing as he gazes in the direction he had first come from — the back rooms. There's screams of an unholy nature — unnatural silence — then the guttural cries of something not quite human. Shit, they didn't just—?

The Military officer holding his arms doesn't even have a chance to react before the Infected is suddenly upon him, blood splashing across the walls as his scream is cut short. It happens too fast for Étienne to know what kind of Infected it is, but he doesn't care; as soon as his arms are released, he reacts. They didn't have any time to search him, thankfully, and he's able to yank the illegal pistol hidden under his shirt to get the next Infected right between the eyes. It screams and drops to the ground, but he doesn't give it a second thought before he's off and inadvertently running in the direction the female officer from earlier had taken.

Merde! Those fuckers seriously just released the Infected they had been keeping in the back? A part of him wanted to be apalled by it, but, well, that was the Jabberwockies for you. Pandemonium of an entirely different kind had suddenly just exploded in the warehouse.

Posted 04-20-2021, 02:01 PM
Played by    59 Posts Ananke Drakos
Lower level is significantly darker, away from the bright spotlights and tucked away in manners meant to deter mere customers from delving too deep. Somewhere down here, the Jabberwockies keep their cages, and only when her unit has tracked them down and confirmed that they are all empty will her job be done.

It's hardly deserted here- people run in a panic, and other soldiers chase them, either Jabberwockies afraid that their operation is about to be taken down, or customers not wanting to get caught indulging in their dirty impulses. They're all equally guilty, in Ananke's mind- if you're here, you must be up to no good- but she pays them no attention. Her focus is singular and laser-pointed, and dare she say it's the most important job of all. There's no saving these people from themselves if you can't save them from the Infected.

She can hear them now. The one in the pit certainly hadn't been the only one. "Other infected down here," she grunts into her radio.

"Confirm location," is the response she gets.


It'd usually be dangerous to look for them alone, but most likely the Jabberwockies will have these things locked up. It'd make no sense for them to be unrestrained outside of the arena. It's not like those criminals would do something as stupid as letting them all out to wreak havoc on friend and enemy ali-

Screams break out. They don't come from behind her, but around.

She spoke to soon.

"Shit." Well, at least she doesn't have to look for those cages anymore.

Posted 04-21-2021, 07:04 PM This post was last modified: 04-29-2021, 08:52 PM by Ananke Drakos
Played by Silhouette    101 Posts Étienne Blanchard
TAG Ananke Drakos

The screams get louder once people begin to realize that the Military isn't the only threat. Gunshots can be heard — the damn Military is doing exactly what he had tried to stop the female officer from doing before, firing into the crowd in hopes that they hit an Infected instead of one of the many civilians running around or, even worse, one of their own men. But do Military dogs really care how many people they have to mow down in order to get to their target? He doubts it.

Étienne has his pistol in hand, although he's not the immediate target of any of the Infected that had been released from their cages. Like true animals, they go first after the people running, as if unable to resist the thrill of a chase. He slows his momentum when he realizes it; best to keep to the shadows and close to the wall, to prevent himself from becoming even more of a target for the blood thirsty creatures. There's screams as a Military officer next to him gets tackled to the ground by two Infected, his throat ripped out by sharp teeth: ferals. Because of course the Jabberwockies would be stupid enough to have their own pack of ferals stashed away in a back room. It didn't even surprise him.

The man is good as dead, and Étienne doesn't even stop to help. If the Infected haven't noticed him, then he wasn't about to stop.

His eyes widen slightly when he recognizes the female officer from before up ahead. Oh, the irony. His body freezes momentarily as he stares at her. Their eyes suddenly meet — he lifts his pistol, aimed for her head—

Then he shoots, and takes down the infected lunging at her from behind. The thing screams as the bullet lodges itself in its neck, a gasping breath taken before another round from Étienne's pistol robs it of its life. He doesn't really know why he does it — it would have been so easy for him to simply turn a blind eye to a Military dog getting ripped to shreds, especially that one — but he reacts on instinct.

Posted 04-28-2021, 12:29 PM
Played by    59 Posts Ananke Drakos
Chaos breaks out above, and judging from the static and screams from the radio, some of the other soldiers- Criminal Activity mostly- have already fallen prey. What a mess. Even a military soldier won't be able to handle an infected without proper training, and it's only a matter of time before the beasts chew their way out of the underground.

"Infected loose on both levels! Unit three, do you copy?"

One by one, her squad members report in. Ananke allows herself a sigh of relief. "Do not lift lockdown under any circumstances." It's one thing for a building of people to get massacred. It's another if these things break out, run free on the streets.

Speaking of free...

The sound of footfalls echo from behind her, and against her better judgement the specialist turns around to see who it is. Rather than another member of her squad, however, she sees the blond man from the before, the one she'd kicked earlier. He's missing his escort, and she can guess that happened to them. What she can't guess, however, is why he's still here, instead of trying to evacuate to a safe, non-infected part of the building.

And then he raises his gun at her.

At first glance it would look like Ettie's about to shoot her, but Ananke can tell- by instinct, experience, the creak of vampiric muscle and the faint sound of drool hitting the ground behind her- what he's really planning. So the soldier ducks, spinning around just in time to see the feral go down. A second follows soon after, but it's Ananke's turn to do her part, and she guns down the second with a burst of firepower.

The beast goes down. They're safe, if only for a moment.

Ananke whips around to look at the man who had apparently come back to save her. "You should have run." Not an indictment of his actions. Just a fact.

Posted 04-30-2021, 07:48 PM
Played by Silhouette    101 Posts Étienne Blanchard
TAG Ananke Drakos

There isn't much thought process behind his actions to shoot the infected, and he stays where he is as he watches the officer take out a second infected that appeared behind the second. God, they were like cockroaches, weren't they? Speaking of which, how many did the Jabberwockies even have in the back? Because from the screams coming from around them, it sure sounded like a damn lot. But then again they moved so fast, it was often hard to tell how many there were.

Étienne's shaken from his thoughts as the woman suddenly turns back to him and addresses him, and her words stun him for a moment. Did she... Think he didn't try? First her thugs had stopped him when he initially tried to escape, and after he got away from them, he couldn't exactly go out the way he had originally come in because, you know, the Military were there. It left him having to find another route out of the underground building.

“You think I'm willingly staying in this shit show?” he snarks back finally, pointing at the chaos with the muzzle of his gun. “It's not like I have many choices considering your men are guarding the exits.”

Well, most of them. He doesn't doubt that there's hidden entrances throughout the place, if he knew the gang at all. It would explain how the gang members had managed to escape during the chaos.

“Look, if either of us are going to get out of here, we're going to have to—” he grits his teeth because oh god did he really have to say it? — “work together.” It wasn't something he would normally offer, considering he was more of a lone wolf kind of person, not to mention he was sure she would decline him in favour of her own men. But it was surprising just how many of them were dropping like flies; apparently the officers that worked inside the safety of Stronghold didn't deal with infected very often, which was one advantage he had over them. The chaos ensues and they don't have much time but he allows for that one second to give her a chance to respond.

Posted 05-02-2021, 01:26 AM
Played by    59 Posts Ananke Drakos
"They aren't 'my' men. But regardless, it would have been safer to turn towards them instead of the opposite direction." It's a common misconception to think all military soldiers are the same, but the truth is, certain units are very different from others depending on their training. Ananke, on one hand, has had the training to handle infected in large numbers and close proximity. Those from Criminal Activity, well...

Judging by which voices have fallen silent over the radio amidst the screams, they're not faring quite as well.

Even so, for a civilian, any kind of military company is safer than nothing. Ettie wasn't guaranteed to find her or another nest elimination soldier by simply blindly running into the fray.

Not that it matters anymore. He's here now. She's here now. So are all the infected. There aren't as many of her own squad here as she'd like, because the higher ups had been more concerned about making arrests than worrying about the possibility of infected running through the streets. When the man proposes working together, a soldier and the man she had just gotten arrested, Ananke makes the calculation in an instant. "You're right." Two guns are better than one, and he's already proved that he knows how to use his. (Well, except for the part where he was waving it around to dramatically prove his point, but she'll forgive him on account of the fact that they're about to die and he didn't accidently shoot anyone in the process.)

She immediately puts a plan into action. "We go through the lower levels. The lower ceiling makes it harder for them to navigate. You stay behind me, and we wait for the rest of my team to radio in before going up. Understood?"

Posted 05-04-2021, 08:22 PM
Played by Silhouette    101 Posts Étienne Blanchard
TAG Ananke Drakos

Oh, like that would have gone over any better than this. The thought is in his head and the words are on his tongue, but for perhaps the first time in his life, he chooses to keep it to himself. It's still a ridiculous notion for the Military officer to claim he should have gone running towards them when just a couple minutes earlier, they were ready to drag him off to who knows where once they were done with the raid. In many different ways, maybe he should be thanking the Spades for releasing the infected when they did. At least with his skills at dealing with infected, he believes he has a chance to get out and away without getting arrested.

At least he doesn't have to wait long for her to make a decision after his unwilling request for them to work together. This officer at least was smart enough to go straight for the head; she knew how to deal with infected.

She begins to lay out a plan for the two of them and — although it irks him she decided to just take control — he remains quiet long enough to lay out what she thought was the best course of action. But his silence doesn't last long. He scoffs as she finishes — stay behind her, what, like a scared little civilian unable to defend themselves? While he stubbornly acknowledges in his head that she's correct about staying on the lower level, he shakes his head at the rest of her words.

“We're not waiting for anything,” he snaps back, another pointed gesture with his gun to emphasize his words as yet another Military officer goes down. “We either go now, together—” big emphasis on the word so he made it clear he wasn't about to follow behind her like a sheep, “and save our own skins, or prepare to become leech food waiting for your buddies to die.” He grips his gun with both hands, pointed towards the gun now, as he prepares to start running.

The adrenaline starting to rush through his body fuels him.

“Besides, I'm not so good at following.” He makes it very clear his intentions, and he scoots past her now to head in the direction she was originally heading in, expecting her to catch up.

Posted 05-05-2021, 12:44 AM
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