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Content Warning  The River Styx Wanteds    Blood Den for Patient Zeroes
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55 Posts Silhouette
THE RIVER STYX is an underground blood den located in the Night Forum of Stronghold, dedicated towards safe feedings for Level V Infected. The club was first created a few years ago by the twin brothers, KAEDE & KALEB WINCHESTER, who still run the club. The club has a mix of willing and unwilling humans that work by providing their blood for paying customers — often straight from the vein — and in return, they're kept safe by the various Infected bouncers that also work at the club. Listed below are some wanteds for the various people that either work at the club, or are somehow associated to it in one way or another.



Cerberus (real name up to you) is the head bouncer of The River Styx, as well as the unofficial mascot of the club. His name is derived from the three-headed dog that's said to guard the underworld in Greek mythology, which plays in to the mythological theme of the entire place. Cerberus has some level of amnesia that's made him forget much of who he was before he was infected, and the twins found him wandering around No Man's Land, alone and dirty. They took him in, gave him a name, shelter, and a reason for living, and in return he happily works in their club. He's a brute of a man that doesn't take shit from anybody, and his incredible strength is put to use protecting the 'merchandise' and ensuring no Infected tries to break the rules. The workers love him, the clients fear him.

Behind the curtain, Cerberus takes on a much different role as the twins' dog. They enjoy his presence in many different ways, and it's not uncommon for the three of them to engage in the occasional threesomes. However. there's no romantic love between the twins and Cerberus; it's purely sexual.

CHAR TYPE Level V Infected
OCCUPATION Head Bouncer / "Mascot"

Madison is a cutthroat and ambitious woman that saw great opportunity with the twins' blood den when they first pitched the idea to her, and she's been part of the club ever since its creation. While Kaede often has a hand in the front-of-house business — Kaleb preferring to deal with things from the back end — Madison has a hand in everything, especially when the twins aren't around. She's in charge of daily decisions and leadership, and is the one that deals directly with the humans that work at the club. Request for a human? Madison's there ordering the human where to go. A complaint comes in? Madison is there dealing with it. For all intents and purposes, she's the day-to-day boss, her orders superseded only by the twins, who she is contentedly loyalty to.

Madison also has personal connections with the different Jabberwockies gangs (up to you to decide what), and so she's often the one that deals with new human acquisitions. She'll often contact the gangs to find out if there are any humans that owe debts, and she will be the one to buy them up and force them to work at the club to pay back their debts. The unwilling humans are most afraid of her.

CHAR TYPE Level V Infected
OCCUPATION Manager / Head of Acquisitions

One of the River Styx's most prolific customers, Gray St. Pierre heads a well known Inner Citadel corporation/business (of the player's choosing). A Slum-success story, he is a sadistic and unrestraint feeder, and has caused many of the River Styx's human deaths in his callousness. Veiling that is an air of charm, personability and even generosity as he's helped fund the River Styx in the past and has cultivated a close relationship with the owners, Kaleb and Kaede. His primary interest is to keep he and all other Level V infected statuses a secret, and he is the one to go to if an infected needs bailing out after a misstep.

CHAR TYPE Level V Infected

Reid Whiteside is one of the many humans to serve as a feeder for Level V Infected. Unlike most of the stock, he is a willing volunteer from the Inner Citadel, a lover of Gray that was introduced to the establishment by him. His servitude to the club has become something to fulfill a fetish as well as to please St. Pierre and, out of jealousy, direct his attention away from Marjorie. His family does not know of his dissolute employment and on the outset he appears the spoiled, innocuous and entitled son of a corporate powerhouse.

OCCUPATION Feeder/Rich boy

Marjorie Mabry's story reflects many of the feeders in the River Styx. She is an unwilling volunteer, forced into becoming a feeder to pay off a Jabberwocky debt incurred by her father. She despises the Infected, though has been quelled to subjugation by Kaede Winchester. Her plan coming into service has always been to be as difficult to manage as possible, so that the patrons of the club would take little interest in her. Unfortunately, it seems that she has caught the eye of a certain CEO (Gray St. Pierre).


Posted 08-03-2021, 10:48 PM This post was last modified: 09-17-2021, 05:43 PM by Andromeda
0 Posts tandi
I'll be yoinking Cerberus, have already discussed with Silhouette and Andromeda. (:
Posted 09-15-2021, 10:54 AM
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