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Random Event  The Jail Break [ Blood Moon ]    damon x ceres
25 Posts Plot/NPC


Tonight was supposed to be just an ordinary lunar eclipse.

But something’s different this time around. The full moon is already high in the sky.
Clouds shroud it from sight one minute, and the next they’re gone, revealing the moon to
no longer be its usual white light, but rather something much more sinister. As though
bathed in blood, its reddish hue gives off a frightening appearance.

It’s a blood moon.

It’s a late night in the Inner Citadel.

High in the sky, near the top floor of Cypher's headquarters, Damon Argyris is busy visiting a member of the Quiller family, Ceres Quiller. With massive viewing windows showing off the lunar eclipse taking place, all manner of Cypher employees have gathered to watch the event. One minute the moon is there, the next it's gone, and when it returns its gruesome red light draws a stir from the employees. There isn't much reprieve before the floors of the headquarters are bathed in a red light, a red alert screaming over the intercom system as panic takes over the company.

The blood moon has affected the Infected kept on lower levels, and security measures all but fail as the creatures burst free of their confines. Already genetically altered by Cypher to a higher state of aggression, the blood moon seems to only further increase their strength and appetite, and all hell breaks loose as the newly-created Infected horde immediately swarms and takes over the lower levels. Communication to lower floors becomes non-existent; survivors, unknown.

The Infected must be contained before they take over Cypher, or worse: Stronghold.

Event Mechanics

IMPORTANT    The Staff Team has done their best to tailor this event to the characters participating. However, if you feel that it doesn't fall in line with your character's motives, and/or you have any other issue with the above prompt, then feel free to reach out to anyone on the Staff Team. Corrections to the prompt can be made as long as both characters haven't made their first post yet.

  Players are free to start the thread either how the prompt ends, or just before it starts in order to provide background information. Please consult one another first on where you'd prefer to start.

  This event thread is not staff run; it is up to the players to progress the thread. However, the Staff Team may occasionally post with the Plot/NPC account for surprises. Participating players are also free to contact the Staff Team and request a post if they so wish.

  Please refer back to the Original Event Post for more information on mechanics.

Posted 10-10-2021, 09:36 PM
Played by Nyx    15 Posts Damon Argyris
Damon had been quite delighted by Ceres’ offer to view the eclipse with her. Mostly because he did rather like all the Quillers, even the younger generation that almost felt more like nieces and nephews to him. After all he’d spent a lot of his time around the older Quillers and spent a lot of time watching these kids grow up. Then again it had been some time since he’d really been around the Quiller family, about two years. He’d been quite busy moving up the ranks to his current position. Then again he was on medical leave now so it was much easier to find the time to catch up with all of the Quiller’s.

And this was a good chance to catch up with Ceres! And an interesting event to do it at. The eclipse was not something you got to see every night and he was curious about what it would be like. And, honestly, it had been quite impressive! The moon vanished only to reappear in the sky! But the color was all wrong, as if the moon was drenched in blood. For a moment that too had been impressive, until the area they were standing in was bathed in a different red light and a siren started going off.

This was quite possibly the worst timing for all this to be happening. It was one thing if he was there alone in danger facing the enraged infected! But it was quite another thing to have Ceres there with him. She was a Quiller and someone he cared for, which meant he was not about to let her be in danger if he could help it. Hopefully those around him could figure out how to stem the tide of infected trying to escape. Or maybe he could place a few well placed explosives to block them in. But his first priority had to be Ceres.

So he didn’t even hesitate to turn to Ceres and grab her hand, yanking her towards the wall and out of the rush of bodies heading off to do what they could. ”Come on Ceres, we need to get you out of here.” He gave her a tight smile. ”Stick close to me and I’ll make sure you get back home, okay?”

Tag Ceres Quiller
Posted 10-30-2021, 05:40 PM
Played by potatochips    1 Posts Ceres Quiller
Cece most definitely did not dress up for some droll Head of Research guy who hardly pays her attention. Most definitely not. She had her beautiful blonde hair curled up prettily, had a cute bodycon dress, and had her newest pretty heels on ONLY because she was feeling like it. That and it seemed appropriate wear to view the lunar eclipse... at the lab.

Well, it was one of the few buildings which had the best views. There certainly wasn't anything wrong with utilizing it to the fullest.

Such were the dumb thoughts that occupied her head when the moon disappeared, and then reappeared bathed in red. It was breathtaking. And she would've continued to stupidly stare at it if it weren't for the blaring alarms which told them that something was wrong.

At first, there was not much concern as the Security Team tried to make sense of the situation. And Cece, herself didn't truly feel the need to be bothered too. Until harrowing screams blasted through the comms, announcing hell has broken loose below.

And in an instant, the panic rolled and surged. Bodies began to push and scramble. Had it not been for their family's trusty friend Damon pulling her out of the way, she definitely would've been crushed by the panicked mob. Still in a daze, she looked up at the man with confusion.

"....are we going to die?" she breathlessly whispered as memories of the things she'd done behind one of the lab doors below surged through her mind. Out of all the people here, Cece was among the very few who definitely knew the extent of the experiments done to the monsters confined in the lower levels. Whatever they did, most likely made them more dangerous.

Another piercing scream from someone in the room made her flinch and grab Damon's arm in a death grip. Never, in all her life, did she think she'd die like this. Yet, at the very thought of that, Cece became angry.

Pulling back, she brought both hands to her cheeks in a resounding slap, the force of which was already making her cheeks turn bright red. "Okay.... okay.. we got this. The armory is on the fifth floor..that's... three floors down. Do you think we can make it there? At least then, we'd somehow have a fighting chance." She turned to look up at Damon expectantly. "Or...or we could go up. To the rooftop. But I don't know how long we'd last there if we can't be rescued....."

Then remembering the situation she groaned and put the heel of her palm against her forehead. "There's supposed to be a containment switch in the security room. Same floor as the armory. But pushing that button would cage us in here with them....what do we do?"
Tag Ceres Quiller
Posted 02-25-2022, 09:28 AM
Played by Nyx    15 Posts Damon Argyris
An eclipse was a once in a lifetime sort of experience. Or at least it seemed that way! He’d have to ask the scientists that studied such things to know for sure… if there even were any. He was sure that someone probably did. Even if it was just in their free time. But he didn’t know them personally and he wasn’t curious enough to seek them out. Instead he’d happily view this as an amazing moment in his life! One that certainly wouldn’t be ruined by anything, right?

Wrong. Oh how wrong he was. The alarm had him snapping into action as his head swiveled to take in the room and he was moving before he was really thinking about it. The situation was not good. There were too many people here and too many of them were civilians or not fight trained. It meant more people for him and the others to protect and remove from the dangerous situation they found themselves in.

Preventing panic was forefront in his mind as that would not help any of them. They needed to keep a rational head on their shoulders. And it didn’t necessarily seem needed… until the screaming was heard. And then he nearly groaned as he realized there would be panic. But by then he had seen Cece and honestly he decided it was easier if he focused on her. The rest? There were enough people with a brain to hopefully get everyone else out and he’d drag anyone who got close along with them.

He glanced down at her at her question and shook his head, smiling gently at her. ”No we’ll be fine Cece, I’ll make sure of it.” Well, he would make sure that she was fine. Himself? That would have to come second and he was fine with that. Certainly this was not an ideal situation but he was well trained and not without his resources.

He didn’t even flinch at her tight grip on his arm, knowing she likely needed it to feel secure right now. And that was fine by him. Easier to keep her close if she was already clinging to him. Though the moment she pulled back he looked down at her and raised an eyebrow. It seemed she had quite a bit of steel in her after all and he couldn’t deny it was good to see!

”Exactly. We’ve got this. Between you and me we have the brain power and brawn to get us out of this.” The armory would be a good place for them to start. It was fortified and it held all the weaponry, both very valuable in a situation like this! ”Logical choice and accurate too. We’d have weaponry and it is fortified so potential protection. And I like the idea of having weapons and a fighting chance over being cornered on the roof.” Yes they could go up but there was no guarantee of rescue and he was not inclined to get them trapped somewhere without any resources.

He paused at that and chewed his lip for a moment before he looked back at Cece. ”We do it anyway. If we can get to that button we can save a lot of lives… and we can make a bottleneck at the armory and hole up there until they can get in and get to us.” He spoke with confidence as he nodded. ”Between you and me we can protect the short hallway and door to the armory… though I won’t blame you if you want to go with the others and try the roof.” He was going to find that button and get himself into the armory.

Tag Ceres Quiller
Posted 11-06-2022, 05:23 PM